Low Iron Float Glass

Ultra clear glass, also known as low-iron glass, offers several advantages over regular glass, making it a popular choice for designers, architects, and homeowners. Let’s explore these benefits:

  • Superior Clarity: Ultra clear glass stands out for its remarkable clarity. Unlike regular glass, which often has a slight greenish or bluish tint due to iron content, ultra clear glass has a much clearer and more color-neutral appearance. This enhanced clarity makes it an excellent choice for applications where aesthetics matter, such as high-end architecture and interior design.
  • Increased Light Transmission: Ultra clear glass allows more natural light to pass through compared to regular glass. This feature creates a brighter and more open feel in spaces. It’s particularly beneficial in areas like sunrooms or greenhouses, where ample natural light is essential for plant growth or relaxation.
  • Enhanced Durability: Low-iron glass is known for its increased strength and durability. It can withstand impact better than regular glass, making it suitable for large aquariums, tabletops, and shower enclosures. Additionally, it is less prone to scratches and stains, making maintenance easier.
  • Crystal Clear Views: Ultra clear glass removes the greenish tint typically present in standard clear glass. As a result, it provides a crystal-clear view of the outside world. Whether used in windows, display cases, or architectural elements, ultra clear glass ensures true transparency and breathtaking views